Time Entry Mobile App
My role: Product designer
Tasks include: Researching users, Planning user tasks and flows, Creating wireframes and prototypes, Testing usability, and Designing user interfaces
Tools used: Figma and UserTesting.com
Timeline: 4 weeks
The problem
Customers need a more updated time entry app mobile app, that will adjust to international customers in how they enter time in.
In numbers
Success would be 50% of customers using the mobile app instead of relying on the desktop experience. Also, a simple, low-friction customizable app that allows users to capture time with detailed progress.
The customer needs
As a team member, I want to create, edit, and submit my time from my phone
As a project Approver, I want a simple way to review the submitted entries, return with comments and approve
The goal
Create a time mobile app that will track entering and submitting time with accuracy, and reliability, and provide correct feedback.
Specific goals
Updated modern mobile design
Easy to use and with little cognitive load